Stop by on Sunday the 4th and see multiple plantings of lovely hybrid colorful daylilies at two gardens within about a mile of each other, one off and one near Poker Hill Road in Underhill. One garden specializes in luscious purples and lavenders, one in reds, but there are many colors in between. These are one woman operations, works in progress, and you will see stray pots, weeds, and piles. However, we think the beauty of the daylilies is too wonderful not to share with others. We will start at the garden of Susan Skelly at 502 Poker Hill Road; the newest American Hemerocallis Society designated display garden for our area, from about 9 to 12 and about 12 to 3 at 147 Allen Irish Road (directly across from the upper outlet of Poker Hill Road-this is Bill Cook Road) for more daylilies in the gardens of Deb & Warren Kiel. You can also stay later as the garden will be open until dusk and there will be freebies here so you might want to bring a container. Questions call Susan at 899-1983 or Deb at 802-524-9279 (my mom's # as she is recovering from a fall and I'm with her for the most part).
Mar 9, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Girls in STEM (Correction)Mar 13, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
Mystery Movie Night, March 14Mar 14, 2025, 9:30 to 11 PM