Join us this Sunday, August 4 at 10am at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Washington.
This Sunday we welcome Board President Sue Stukey to the pulpit! Sue is a native of Massachusetts, but spent many summers in Vermont visiting grandparents in Post Mills, in the eastern part of Orange County. She and her husband Art lived in many places around the country (and overseas) but always came back to Vermont and family.
Sue has had years of experience with Unitarian Universalism on both the local and national level. She served eight years on the UUA's Board of Trustees as the delegate from the Central Midwest District, ending her term in 2007 as she and Art moved to Vermont full time. She believes that Unitarian Universalism has a voice that should be heard in the dialogue of today, and that the community she finds each summer at the UU Congregation of Washington is dear to her heart and worth preserving.
Located on VT RT 110 in Washington, the UU Congregation is a lay led, summer only congregation open to folks from all walks of life and all ages! We provide childcare and share a potluck out on the lawn following the service. Hope to see you there!