Presentation and Discussion on Composting and Recycling

Past event
Jul 30, 2019, 6:30 to 8 PM

The Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District and the Peacham Library are teaming up to bring you all the information you need to compost and recycle with confidence!
Any resident of the NEKWMD can attend this FREE informational workshop!

Tuesday, July 30 2019 @ 6:30pm
Peacham Library, 656 Bayley Hazen Rd, Peacham VT

We will review:
-Vermont's Universal Recycling and Composting Law
-NEKWMD's Universal Recycling and Special Recycling Programs,
-Composting options for residents
-and more… bring your questions!

For more information, contact the NEKWMD @ 626-3532, or check out the facebook event page:

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