March 24, 2014
Hinesburg Town Hall, Main Hall
1. Call to Order 7:00PM
2. Non Agenda Items 7:00PM
3. Discuss Future of Old Police Station Building 7:05PM
4. Consider Appointing Members to the Town Administrator Search Committee 7:25PM
5. Discuss Village North Sidewalk and Consider Best Alignment 7:35PM
6. Consider Town Forest Committee MOU with Fellowship of the Wheel 7:50PM
7. Public Hearing – Champlain Housing Trust Affordable Housing Project at 8:00PM
Green Street
8. Consider Finalizing Updates to the Town Personnel Policy 8:20PM
9. Town Administrator Report 8:30PM
10. Selectboard Forum 8:40PM
11. Consider Approving Warrants 8:45PM
12. Consider Approving Minutes 8:50PM
13. Executive Session – Discuss Agreement Proposal from Vermont Gas Systems 9:00PM
For Geprags Park and Personnel for Health Insurance
14. Adjourn 9:30PM
For Complete Selectboard Packet Please Go To:
Contact the Town Administrator if you have any further questions:; or 482-2281x221
Feb 9, 2025, 4 PM
Public Funds for Religious SchoolsFeb 12, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
2nd Session: 6-Week Qigong & Tai Chi Ch'uan ClassFeb 13, 2025, 5 to 6 PM