The Charlotte Grange is gearing up for our spring rummage sale. We are supported in this event by our wonderful neighbors in Charlotte and surrounding towns. Do you have some items that you would like to donate to our event? As little as a grocery bag of clothes & books or a trunk full of house extras are welcome. We welcome clothes of all sizes, that are still in wearable condition but you no longer treasure or need. Books, shoes, lamps, dishes, toys, housewares, jewelry in usable shape are all welcome too. Please do not bring computers or TV's. We will be making room for some bigger items- please call before you drop them off. If you have any questions about donations or the sale please contact me, Deb Stone at 578-4237
Our drop off days at 2858 Spear Street are
Saturday April 5th 11am-2pm
Monday April 7th 9am-4pm
Tuesday April 10th 9am-4pm
The Sale will begin at 9am on Thursday April 10th until 4pm, Friday Noon until 7pm and Saturday is our awesome final day: $2/bag sale from 8am until noon.
Look for postings once donations are in, to find out what terrific treasures we will have for sale. Thank you for your support!
Feb 28 to Mar 1, 2025
"Civic Engagement in Vermont - Our Civic Health Index"Feb 28, 2025, 2 PM
Town of Charlotte's 2025 Annual Town MeetingMar 1, 2025, 9 AM to 5 PM