Join us this Sunday, July 28 at 10am at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Washington.
We welcome past member and long-time friend of Washington UU, Harris Webster, to the pulpit. Harris and his late wife Ellie were active members for many years.
Related to the sermon topic, Harris was exposed to religion all his life, (as the son of a UCC minister) and never rebelled, but often rebutted the religious establishment. He was an admirer of religious rebels such as Jesus and the prophets and believes in the core principles of most world religions. He "evolved" into a UU when he retired to Montpelier in 1996. Harris taught secondary Social Studies for 40 years and believed universal religious truths should play an important part in society as well as in personal development and relationships.
Located on VT RT 110 in Washington, the UU Congregation is a lay led, summer only congregation open to folks from all walks of life and all ages! We provide childcare and share a potluck out on the lawn following the service. Hope to see you there!