Back in the Day: Stories About Downtown Middlelbury

Past event
Aug 5, 2019

Do you remember the stores and eateries that lined Main Street and Merchant's Row in years past? Or are you new to town, or not quite old enough to remember Farrell's Men's Shop, the Rosebud Cafe, Frog Hollow Craft Center and Van Raalte's in the MarbleWorks? Come join a unique story sharing experience on Monday, August 5, at BUNDLE, 60 Main Street. Local storytellers will share memories about what downtown Middleblury was like Back in the Day. There will be two story telling cycles: 3:30-5:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm, featuring different stories at each. Come to one or both. On display, from 3:30-7:30pm, will be images of downtown Middlebury through the decades, providing a rare and sublime walk down memory lane.

If you have a story you'd like to tell, contact Mark Wilch at

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