Village Annual Meeting

Past event
Apr 1, 2014, 7:30 PM


April 1st, 2014

The inhabitants of Johnson Village Corporation who are legal voters in the Village are hereby warned to meet at the Johnson Municipal Building, in the Meeting Room in Johnson Village, Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 at 7:30 o’clock in the evening, local time, to transact the following business, to wit:

Article 1. To elect a President and a Clerk.

Article 2. Will the Village vote to adopt the Annual Report of the Auditors for the year ending December 31, 2013 as printed?

Article 3. To elect two (2) Trustees to the following terms; or until their successors have been elected by the registered voters of the Village of Johnson, at a properly warned Village Meeting

a. One Trustee for a term ending in three years (2017).
b. One Trustee for a term ending in two years (2016).

Article 4. To elect a Treasurer for one year.

Article 5. To elect one (1) Auditor to the following terms;

a. One Auditor for a term ending in three years (2017).

Article 6. Will the Village authorize the Trustees to appoint a Tax Collector? If not, to elect a Tax Collector for one year.

Article 7. Will the Village authorize it’s Trustees to appoint a Water and Light Commissioner? If not, to elect a Water & Light Commissioner for one year.

Article 8. Will the Village vote to set the rate of compensation of it’s Officers and Employees? If not, to authorize it’s Trustees to set such salaries and wages.

Article 9. Will the Village vote a budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Village?

Article 10. Will voters authorize the Trustees to borrow a sum of money not to exceed $216,000.00 for a period not to exceed five years for the purchase of a Fire Department Tanker Truck, with re-payment of financing costs payable from the Fire Department Large Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, and with final loan costs reduced by grant proceeds (if any) and proceeds from the sale of the existing Tanker Truck, said borrowing to be executed after December 31st, 2014?

Article 11. Will the voters authorize the Trustees to borrow a sum of money not to exceed $270,128.00 (plus closing costs if any) for a period not to exceed five years, for the purpose of purchasing a 15% ownership interest in the Morrisville Water & Light Department 34.5kV Transmission System, and consistent with terms and conditions of the Vermont Public Service Board Certificate of Public Good approval authorizing said purchase and financing, as issued in Docket 8186?

Article 12. To do such other business as may properly be brought before this meeting.

Dated at Johnson this 26th day of February 2014

Submitted by Duncan Hastings, Municipal Manager

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