Electricity Exploration at Brookfield Old Town Hall!

Past event
Jul 20, 2019, 10 AM to 12 PM

On Saturday July 20th beginning at 10 am, we'll have an all-ages exploration of electricity and magnetism led by local dads scientist Bill Donnelly and electrician Al Patroni . We will have conductive play-dough that the younger kids can use to build their own circuits to light up LEDs and control other small devices. Older kids and adults will have the opportunity to make their own batteries out of common household items, design and test electromagnets, build working electric motors, and create other small electronics projects. As a special treat, we'll will walk through the construction and operation of that B-movie sci-fi staple--a high-voltage Jacobs's Ladder! This event is generously sponsored through a grant from the Lamson Howell Foundation.

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