Do your kids climb over the couch, roll under the table, run around the dog? Then sign them up for the event that will bring out the ninja warrior in them!
Sign up:…/webtrac.wsc/SPLASH.html
Registration info is at the bottom of the page.
Each participant will receive a kids OCR T-Shirt and Finisher medal at the end of the last race, as well as free admission to the Town Pool after the event at 1:00pm!
The KIDS OBSTACLE COURSE RACE encourages kids to exercise by jumping, running and helping each other out. Everyone will conquer obstacles just their size while going over walls as well as under and through things. Climbing, balancing, carrying, pulling and pushing are all skills that will be emphasized. First, we will do a walkthrough of the course to explain the stations and answer any questions. Then we will do a fun stretch and warm up before starting the race.
KIDS AGES 3 TO 5 **TIGERS** 9:30 -10:30am
For children ages 3 through 5, The Kids OCR Race includes 100 yard dash followed by a series of fun obstacles that are just their size, plus a pit of bubbles and a bouncy house!
* The younger kids will be grouped together
KIDS AGES 6 TO 8 ** LIONS** 10:30-11:30am
Racers ages 6-8 years old will tackle a One-Mile run. Kids will encounter fun obstacles throughout the course plus a pit of bubbles, a bouncy house, water and mud!
KIDS AGES 9 TO 11 **BEARS** 11:30- 12:30am
Racers ages 9-11 years old will tackle a One-Mile run and will encounter fun obstacles throughout the course, plus a pit of bubbles, mud and water too!
*Please bring a towel, change of clothes and a bag to put dirty clothes in if they get muddy.
*Obstacles will be optional.
*Please sign your child up according to their ability - if your younger child can run a mile, you may sign them up for a mile race, and if your older child would feel more confident with a shorter distance they are welcome in the group that best suits their needs.
* Kids should be dressed according to weather. In case of inclement weather, we will reschedule
FEE: $35 (Resident) or $ 40 (Non-Resident)
*** Families with 2+ kids are entitled to a reduced rate please contact sbourne@townofmiddlebury,org for more information
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