Hi neighbors! Confession: On our way home over the weekend, my husband and I were pulled over by one of my colleagues, a hard working, dedicated Montpelier Police Officer (I'm not going to say if it was me or my husband driving!). The pull-over was deserved. We were going faster than we should on a 30 mph road. We broke the law. Like many people who have been pulled over in life for speeding, we just didn't realize how fast we were going. We weren't paying attention to how we were driving, or to the rules of the road. We were doing what felt comfortable for us, thus ignoring the safety of others. In a sense we were lucky to be pulled over. Sure, everything could've been fine, no accident would occur, everyone would be safe and we'd get to our home uneventfully, kick our feet up and continue binge watching The Good Place (please watch, it's so lovely and decent and Ted Danson is a gift). Then, we'd repeat the same behavior of going faster than we should on our way home. Or, we could've gotten into an accident, hit someone, someone's fur baby, a tree, etc. We learned a lesson. So, naturally, I'm going to go on my FPF soapbox and ask all of you to join me and my husband in being more mindful when driving. There is a reason why there are speed limits and why those laws are enforced. Accidents happen to people who never think they're going to happen! No one is immune! Thank you, MPD for doing what you can to keep us all safe. Okay, spiel over. See below for Wednesday's City Council meeting agenda!
City Council Meeting
Wednesday, 7/10/19, 6:30 P.M.
City Council Chambers, City Hall, 39 Main Street
MEETING AGENDA: For more information and supporting documents, visit: https://montpeliervt.civicclerk.com/Web/Player.aspx?id=537&key=-1&mod=-1&mk=-1&nov=0
1) Call to Order by the Mayor
2) Review and Approve Agenda
3) General Business and Appearances
4) Consent Agenda:
• Minutes from 6/26 meeting
• Montpelier Senior Activity Center FEAST contract
• FY20 Public Works Garage and WRRF Cleaning Services contract
• FY20 Paving contract
• Elm Street Sidewalk contract
• Set tax rate
• Approve truck chassis replacement
• Approve invitation to Real Estate agents
• Payroll & Bills
5) Conservation Commission Appt.
6) French Block Public Hearing
7) Loitering
8) ADA Plan Adoption
9) 5 Home Farm Way Mitigation
10) Ordinance Amendments, 2nd reading: Chapter 5. Fire Department
11) Ordinance Amendments, 1st reading: Chapter 7. Health & Sanitation
12) Other Business
13) Council Reports
14) Mayor's Report
15) City Clerk's Report
16) City Manager's Report
Jamie Granfield-Carroll
Mar 8, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
Family Program at Shao Shan TempleMar 8, 2025, 10 to 11:45 AM
High Octave Living Seven Week Online CourseMar 11, 2025, 7 to 9 PM