Bookwagon Tuesday

Past event
Jul 9, 2019, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

BOOKWAGON is ready for the Third Week!! Come out and pick out a new book.

Pick up a colorful schedule at the Jerusalem Corners Country Store, Starksboro Public Library, Judith Bryant's Clay Studio & Store just north of the Post Office across from Lewis Creek Farm, Town Clerk's office and Lewis Creek Farm.

Questions, please email me or call 453-4921.

Grab your children and their friends and make a stop at the BookWagon. Everyone is welcome at any stop.

This week on Tuesday July 9 the drivers are Katie Antos-Ketcham and her assistants Carter and Bailey.

8;30 to 9:30 Mt Abraham in the Large Cafeteria. Come out to hear Dennis Woos, Astronomer talk about backyard Astronomy! This is the site of the ELP camp and everyone is welcome to join the campers to hear Dennis Woos's presentation and to pick out a new book to take home.

Maybe your child is taking swimming lessons and might just have time to pick out a book and that is fine!

AFTER MT ABE the BookWagon returns to Starksboro.

9:45 to 10:15 Jerusalem Schoolhouse ( books only)

10:30 to 10:45 251 Hidden Acres ( books only)

10:50 to 11:20 Brookside by the mailboxes ( books only)

11:30 to 11:45 1824 Big Hollow Rd ( books only)

11:50 to 12:00 Hillside Park by the mailboxes ( books only)

12:05 to 12:30 Lazy Brook Park by the grassy field ( books only)

Give a call to a friend and remind them to take their kids to pick out a book. Great to have to relax and chill with.

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