Volunteer: Kidsafe Collaborative Community Yard Sale

Past event
Aug 10, 2019, 8 AM to 4 PM

Volunteer at the 16th Annual KidSafe Collaborative Community Yard Sale August 6th – 12th

We need 100+ volunteers to run all aspects of this awesome event at the Champlain Valley Exposition! Will you volunteer? Make it a friends, club, coworker or family affair.

There is a range of things to do - from accepting donations, pricing items to organizing the donations and more! It is a fun event both during set up and on the sale days. There are tasks available for all ages and physical abilities. Please join us!

View shifts and tasks at https://signup.com/go/OvrXQwM

All proceeds from the event will go directly to support KidSafe Collaborative's mission. Together we can keep kids safe from abuse and neglect.

Any questions: call 802-863-9626 or email kidsafe@kidsafevt.org

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