Jane Pincus from Our Bodies, Ourselves

Past event
Jun 28, 2019

Hello neighbors,
I am writing to inform you about an amazing (free) event happening at Nutty Steph's tonight (Friday, June 27th)

"Almost 50 Years in the Women's Movement: An hour with Jane Pincus, co-author of Our Bodies Ourselves"

This is another event hosted by Nutty Steph's in honor of the #vulvalution and their one year long fundraiser for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

It's the 50th anniversary of the first Our Bodies, Ourselves! Hear the story of how the book grew, as women began talking with one another about their bodies and their lives. We thought we could change the world! Yes, it did change -- but enough? We'll also talk about what's happening now. Join us in hearing upbeat songs, reading poetry and articles inspired by the 'second wave' of the women's movement. -- and walk away with ideas about how to become more active in our communities -- and change the world some more!

And let us all munch on chocolate vulvas, of course!


Fore more info check out Nutty Steph's Facebook page

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