Cultivating Intention: Living Through Our Purpose

Past event
Jun 30, 2019, 10 AM to 12 PM

Join us this Sunday, June 30 at 10am at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Washington.

We welcome Charlotte Root to the pulpit. Charlotte earned a B. Arch. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and has pursued her love of the outdoors through gardening, farming and the ski industry. She is a dynamic, thoughtful, energetic person who likes to spend her time helping others and making the world a more holistically supportive place. She continues to study nutrition and wellness and can usually be found in the dirt, on a mountain trail with her pup or out enjoying the beauty of Vermont and its people.

Located on VT RT110 in Washington, the UU Congregation is a lay led, summer only congregation open to folks from all walks of life and all ages! We provide childcare and share a potluck out on the lawn following the service. Hope to see you there!

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