5th Annual Essex CHIPS Bargain Dress Bash

Past event
Apr 11, 2014, 3 to 7 PM

Just in time for Prom season, the Essex Chips Bargain Dress Bash is back for its 5th year!

Are you, or someone you know, in need of an affordable, formal dress?

Come join us anytime between 3-7pm on Friday, April 11th for refreshments, raffle prizes, and to shop through our
wide selection of dresses and gowns.

*Prices for garments will range between $10-$40.

Unable to attend the event, but want to help??

Please feel free to donate your gently used formal wear by dropping it off at: 2 Lincoln St. (2nd floor) Essex Jct, VT 05452

(And for more information about everything Dress Bash, please contact: Adriane at adriane@essexchips.org or
802-878-6982 ext. 104)

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