This Week at Groton Nature Center! Free Fun!

Past event
Jun 27 to 30, 2019

Fun at the Groton Nature Center!
June 27th - June 30th

Programs are intended for any and every age and all are FREE and open to the public (that's you)!
For more information or to be added to our mailing list, please drop me a line at:

Thursday, June 27th
Nature Center Hours: 8-3

10:00 - Beautiful Birds!
Stories and crafts devoted to the beauty of the birds (snack, too)! Before you ask, you will NOT be able to fly afterward, but you CAN show off your bird-tastic creations!

1:00 - Guided Hike - Nature Trail
(0.6 easy miles, about 45 minutes) Meet at the Nature Center. Bug spray, a water bottle and a smile are highly recommended.

Friday, June 28th
Nature Center Hours: 8-3

10:00 - Gnomes and Fairies!
With found objects from nature and your imagination, craft tiny houses for our "guests". Maybe a lucky mouse, chipmunk, or toad will move in!

12:00 - Guided Hike - Little Loop Trail
(0.9 easy miles, about 1 hour) Meet at the Nature Center. Bug spray, a water bottle and a smile are highly recommended.

Saturday, June 29th
Nature Center Hours: 8-4

10:00 - Mud Pies and Animal Tracks!
How do those things go together? Join us at the Nature Center and find out! Be sure to wear something you don't mind getting dirty! (And warn your grown-ups…)

12:00 - Guided Hike - Little Loop Trail
(0.9 easy miles, about 1 hour) Meet at the Nature Center. Bug spray, a water bottle and a smile are highly recommended.

2:00 - Matinee - Lorax!
Join us for the fantastic animated version of the old Suess favorite! Popcorn will be served and all guests will go home with a green friend to cherish.

Sunday - June 30th
Nature Center Hours: 8-12

9:00 - Guided Hike - Little Loop Trail
(0.9 easy miles, about 1 hour) Meet at the Nature Center. Bug spray, a water bottle and a smile are highly recommended.

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