Author Presentation

Past event
Jun 26, 2019, 7 to 8:30 PM

Don't forget--author Allen Mills will talk tomorrow night at Salisbury Library (7pm) about growing up in Vermont. This is a family friendly event and all are welcome. Discussion and Refreshments.

From the description of his new memoir, 'Barnyards, Barefeet, and Bluejeans:'

"Take a journey to a special time and place. It is a true historical description of how it took an entire family to run a farm during the period just prior to modern mechanization. A time when it took the complete integration of people, animals and plants to make it a success. And no matter how well you plan, farming is all weather dependent and how well you adapt to its changes. The coming of age of the children; life lessons taught by parents who learned much of what they passed on to them from the place itself. Hear it all from a very special and wise story teller who will make you laugh and maybe even cry but you will be glad that you have taken the journey with him."

Salisbury Free Public Library
Open Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1- 4 pm
Saturdays: 9 am - 12 noon
918 Maple St./P.O. Box 59
Salisbury, VT 05769

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