Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Jul 8, 2019, 6 to 9 PM

The agenda and packet for the Selectboard meeting on July 8, 2019 can be viewed here:

The agenda includes the following (times are approximate):
5:45 PM Site visit: at Senior Center for sign relocation
6:00 PM Adjustments to the agenda
6:01 PM Senior Center sign relocation and replacement
6:10 PM Town Meeting voting process—discussion
6:20 PM Thompson's Point lease for Lot 41 at 137 Association Way
6:30 PM Interview for Planning Commission vacancy; for term ending April 30, 2022
7:00 PM Public Comment
7:05 PM Open bids for village wastewater system maintenance
7:10 PM Accessory agricultural uses—follow-up on Act 143; discussion of possible thresholds for regulation
8:00 PM Make appointment to the Planning Commission for term ending April 30, 2022
8:15 PM Process for reviewing applications for Zoning Administrator and interviewing applicants
8:20 PM Plan site visits to Town properties
8:25 PM Minutes: June 24, 2019
8:30 PM Selectboard updates
8:40 PM Discuss process for employee annual reviews
8:55 PM Approve warrants to pay bills
9:00 PM Adjournment

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