Garden Tour to Benefit Blake Memorial Library

Past event
Jun 29, 2019, 12 to 5 PM

If you enjoy seeing what other people have done in their gardens, and/or driving around Vermont's backroads, then this is for you!

The 12th annual "Secret Gardens" tour for the benefit of the Blake Memorial Library in East Corinth, VT will take place on Saturday, June 29, from noon to 5pm.

Rain or shine!

Five Waits River valley area "secret gardens" featuring sun and shade perennial gardens, ponds and brooks, a new farm growing special flowers and vegetables, and a vineyard (with wine-tasting) and wonderful views are open to the public. A special treat this year is a visit to the historic Elwin Chase House in Topsham, with its newly restored garden and fascinating murals by a 19th C. itinerant mural painter, in the style of Rufus Porter.

Brochures and directions to the gardens will be available from noon on at the Library, located at 676 Village Road (off Rt. 25) in East Corinth. Delicious refreshments, too! Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 day of tour (under 18 free). For "tickets", send check and contact info to: Garden Tour, Blake Memorial Library, 676 Village Rd, East Corinth, VT 05040. We will have your name on a list at the Library, and the brochure that you pick up is your "ticket".

Questions? Call or email Lisa Locke, 802-439-5494,, or the Library at 802-439-5338.

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