Over the course of 20 hours, this workshop helps participants heal the wounds of sexual assault and abuse. People who complete this work emerge saying they feel:
~ Less pain, shame, resentment, and rage. And instead, they feel a greater sense of power, peace, and even compassion.
~ A greater sense of wholeness and a feeling that the past no longer colors their life.
~ They can own their story rather than the story having power over them.
One victim of childhood sexual assault described the success of this workshop with these words:
"I never thought I would ever be able to look at this story and not feel pain…
At this point, I can honestly say that I am forever changed for the best. I am now able to reflect upon my past hurt with new eyes and a sense of completion that I didn't think was possible." ~ Claire, 37 years old
What the workshop will look like:
* You will participate in a series of guided writing exercises, subconscious-remapping processes, meditations, breath work, some group sharing, and more.
* You'll apply a variety of mind-body tools.
* You'll enjoy quiet time for journaling, drawing, meditating or going for a walk.
This workshop is being offered on a $35 - $100 sliding scale. You are simply invited to contribute what you can in order to cover the room fees and materials.
I am offering this workshop pro-bono (not charging my facilitation fees) because I am in the process of writing the book about this work. I will be asking participants to share their stories and experiences of the workshop (absolutely confidentially) in order to be included in the book with complete anonymity and protection of their privacy.
About the facilitator:
Morella Devost, EdM, MA, is a Counselor, Hypnotherapist, and NLP Master, among other things. Having experienced sexual assault herself, Morella knows what it takes to heal the wounds of traumatic events. In her work, she helps her clients resolve painful memories, release stuck emotions, and heal the wounds that were left behind. She holds an MA and EdM in Counseling from Columbia University.
Think you'd like to come?
Call 802 * 489 * 5379 or email Morella to set up a get-to-know-you call and get more details. You can also visit the event page on the website here: https://www.thrivewithmorella.com/events/2019/6/7/reclaiming-wholeness
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