City Weed Warrior Event at Red Rocks Park

Past event
Jun 29, 2019, 9 AM to 12 PM

Are you interested in learning more about plants and working to improve the health of the City's parks and natural areas? Then consider participating in the City's Weed Warrior program. This program aims to educate and engage volunteers that will assist City staff in the identification and removal of non-native invasive plants found in our parks.

The City is holding its first 2019 Weed Warrior event at Red Rocks Park on Saturday, June 29th, from 9 AM - 12 PM. The event will be led by Mike Bald with Got Weeds. To participate in either event, it is recommended that you wear sturdy shoes/boots, long sleeves, long pants, a hat, bring sunscreen and/or bug spray, and bring some water.

Interested participants can register in advance of these events online through the Recreation & Parks Department website: In the activity guide, search for keyword "Weed Warriors" or activity number 749021-A. Registration is recommended for this event. You will also be expected to sign an event waiver in order to participate.

For more information about these events or the City's Weed Warrior program, please contact Ashley Parker at:; 802-846-4146.

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