Library Summer Kickoff! Star Wars Parade & Planetarium

Past event
Jun 22, 2019, 10:30 AM to 1 PM

Celebrate summer at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library! Star Wars Bike & Pet Parade followed by VINS Planetarium: Saturday, June 22, 10:30 am. Dress up your pet, bike or scooter for our annual summer kickoff parade with members of the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion appearing in costume. Followed by a tour of the night sky in VT Institute of Natural Science's StarLab mobile planetarium at WCS gym..
• 10:30 am Parade around the library
• 11 am & 12 noon VINS Planetarium at WCS Gym. (Age 8-Adult. Pre-register at 878-4918).
Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, 21 Library Lane, Williston VT 802-878-4918.

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