Owls! Summer Reading Program Kickoff Event at Library

Past event
Jun 21, 2019, 10:30 to 11:30 AM

Owls and their Calls (presented by the Vermont Institute of Natural Science)
Friday, June 21, 10:30 am, Richmond Library
Did you know that not all owls hoot? This first-hand encounter includes live owls, and will present the defining characteristics and life adaptations of a nocturnal predator on the wing. No registration required. All ages.

The Flea Circus!
Monday, June 24, 10:30 am, Richmond Library
Ed Popielarczyk's flea circus is a great show from days gone by. It is an entire big top circus in miniature! The audience will be thrilled and amazed with Ed's trained fleas. A few of the circus feats they do include the trapeze, high wire, high dive into a pool of water, and getting shot out of a cannon! No registration required. All ages.

Sign-ups for the Summer Reading Program are now underway. This year's theme is A UNIVERSE OF STORIES. Stop by the library with your child(ren) to register and pick up a flyer detailing all of the events happening this summer. For more info, visit: https://richmondfreelibraryvt.org/youth-services/

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