What is a Slow Bike Race?

Past event
Jun 16, 2019, 11 AM

If you haven't read Susan's article in the 'News & Citizen'(Johnson column), then I'll try to shed some light on the event.

It is a race to see who can get from point A to Point B the slowest. Yes, 2 wheels only (no tricycles), and bikes will need to move forward (no balancing in place), no touching with a foot, but lots of laughs. The prize is worth my efforts to give it a try and I hope to see others have some fun as well. There's no charge but we are hoping to get some donations to get the Rail Trail finished. Rain or shine hope to see some folks at the Talc Mill Park at 11AM on Sunday. Everyone is welcome and folks who got pledges can turn them in and go for a ride or a walk on our beautiful trail.

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