Did you know that June's full moon is called the Strawberry Moon?
Celebrate this delectable folk name with a supper, a screening, and a viewing!
Friday, June 14 at Kimball Library, Randolph
5pm: Enjoy a Simple Supper with your family, friends, and neighbors. Sign up at KimballLibrary.org to contribute an ingredient to the simple summer supper we will create and eat together. The menu: build-a-salad, baguettes with spring pesto and cheeses, and STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!! Bring a non-alcohol beverage and a picnic blanket or chairs. In partnership with NOFA-VT.
7pm: Watch a preview of PBS's new American Experience series, "Chasing the Moon." We will screen "Saving 1968," from part 2 of the series. The entire series airs on Vermont PBS July 8th-10th.
8pm: View the almost-full moon using a telescope. Get a good look at its amazing beauty — or see if you can spot the Man in the Moon!