Info Meeting on Merged School Budget and More

Past event
Jun 18, 2019, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Another school vote with far-reaching implications is scheduled for Tuesday June 25, which is about as far off the beaten track as an election can get. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but force of circumstance compels it.

We'll be pumping out written information through the mail, in FPF, and elsewhere over the next couple of weeks. But we know how that goes. So on Tuesday June 18 at 6:30 p.m. in U-32 the merged board will offer itself up for grilling on any and all aspects of the merged school budget. And as a bonus, it's open season too on any and all aspects of the amendments to the merged district's articles of agreement, which also figure prominently on the June 25 ballot.

Our aim is to show how a "yes" vote right down the line both on the budget and on each of the five amendments to the articles of agreement will best serve the combined (and fiendishly complicated) interests of children, voters, and taxpayers in all five towns, no matter what position you take on the State Board's decision to merge us. But we can only show you how this works if you show up for us to show you. Got that? We look forward to seeing you!

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