Naturalist Elinor Osborn will be the Keynote Speaker at the Northern Rivers Land Trust Annual Meeting.
Next Sunday, Elinor Osborn, renowned Craftsbury photographer and naturalist, will present her program "Vermont Owls". Elinor was recently voted "Citizen Scientist of the Year" by the Vermont Center for Ecostudies. The NRLT Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 16, 7 PM at Fellowship Hall in Greensboro.
A short business meeting, highlighting the current work of NRLT, is included on the agenda.
All are invited! ***Terrific refreshments and great company guaranteed!***
If anyone wants to catch a ride from Woodbury, contact me at 472-6698.
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM
Art100Mar 8, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Dance, Sing, and Jump Around Family DanceMar 9, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM