Vermont Coffee Company PLAYHOUSE and Gare St Lazare present MOBY DICK by Herman Melville
June 26th & 27th, 7:30 - 9:30pm $20
Directed by Judy Hegarty Lovett
Performed by Conor Lovett
Live musical accompaniment by Caoimhin O'Raghallaigh
Melville's allegory is presented in all the glory of his exquisite language directed by Judy Hegarty Lovett
who is internationally renowned for her innovative stagings of 11 Beckett novels.
In a simply told and hauntingly powerful encounter, this tour de force performance
by Conor Lovett is complemented by the live musical performance of one of Ireland's premier traditional musicians
Caoimhin O'Raghallaigh (The Gloaming) on hardanger d'Amore. Not to be missed!
For tickets and more details go to: and click on the PLAYHOUSE link.
or go to
Queries email: PLAYHOUSE@vermontcoffeecompany
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