Mt. Philo Commune Films

Past event
Jun 16, 2019, 4 to 6 PM

Two documentary films about the Mt. Philo Inn Commune and Vermont communes have been released since 2018. From 1970 until 1975 this group of activists were instrumental in starting Vermont Legal Aid, forming the People's Free Clinic, now the essential Community Health Center in Burlington, the Burlington Co-op, now the thriving City Market, and The Schoolhouse, an alternative school. In between they took in homeless kids and had a good time. The Mt. Philo Commune, filmed by respected cinematographers Robert Machover & Michael Singer, was remastered and digitized by VAMP (Vermont Archive Movie Project) in 2019 and is presented by VTIFF (Vermont International Film Festival).

."...They Endeed Up Changing the World", by Vermont PBS, examines the influx of back-to-the-landers, peace activists, and disenfranchised youth who flocked to Vermont in the 1970s in search of a different way to live. In the process, they precipitated progressive social and political change in the state that impacts Vermont to this day.

This event will include appetizers, wine and beer, with an opportunity to meet and greet the people involved with the commune and films and to have a tour of the Inn. The screening is free, with a suggested donation of $10-$20 or more to support VAMP's costs of restoring Vermont films.

Reserve tickets at: VTIFF

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