Our dear friend and neighbor, Karen Loh's birthday is June 13th. We lost Karen on Nov.13th, 2018 to cancer. Karen served on the Board of the Lamoille Community Food Share. The Lamoille Neighborhood Food Project (Green Bag Day) was near and dear to her heart. GBD happens to be this Saturday, June 8. We want to celebrate Karen's birthday in a big way this year!!
Bring your bag (it doesn't need to be green, we are currently out of of green bags) of nonperishable food donations to the food share, at 197 Harrel Street in Morrisville (by CCV), this Sat. from 11-12:30, or anytime the pantry is open, Mon.- Fri. from 9-11:30 and Sat. 9:30-11:00. Can't make it during those times? Collection boxes are also conveniently located in the Morrisville, Stowe and Hyde Park libraries. OR, if you just want to leave your green bag out on your door step, email roussellesusan@gmail.com and we can arrange for me to retrieve it next week. No need to make a special trip to the grocery store if you don't have time, fill the bag from your pantry, just like Karen did when used she went to her friends houses and filled the green bag with food, even if they weren't home! Are you away or really busy this weekend? No worries, any day during the week is fine!
We want to break the record for the number of bags that are brought in for this months food drive. Let's come together as a community and celebrate our friend Karen and all she did for her neighbors,and at the same time, help our neighbors in need. Let's make Karen proud! Happy birthday dear friend!!
For more about our project, visit http://www.greenbag-lcfoodshare.org