Nurturing the Nurturer Workshop

Past event
Jun 22, 2019, 9 AM to 3 PM

Posting for a friend, please contact them directly at
Nurturing the Nurturer
Everybody is a nurturer (whether of yourself, others, or your community) - which can be exhausting..
Celebrate Summer Solstice by letting YOURSELF be Nurtured!

SPEND THE DAY BEING TAKEN CARE OF AND PRACTICE TOOLS TO CARE-FOR-YOURSELF IN EVERYDAY LIFE, including yoga, qigong, positive psychology, crystal medicine, essential oils, art, meditation, ritual and connection.

Customized tools for you to take home include bath salts, kitchen magic tools, crystals, and self-care recipe cards.

June 22nd, 2019 - 9am-3pm
Embodied Yoga Studio, 7 Main St., River Space -3rd floor, Montpelier, VT
Sliding scale - $80-$99 (includes self-care tools to take home and snacks)
DISCOUNT: Bring a friend - 15% off for both of you!

Co-facilitated by Yasmeen Hossain, Manaprāna Life and Emily Dwyer, ReBlooming Arts
Drawing on our 20 years of skills and experience to guide you!

Please sign-up by June 15th (feel free to inquire after this date about availability) by emailing

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