The Sloyd Skills Gathering: a family-friendly camp out and crafting weekend in Stannard, VT - June 28th to June 30th. Come for the weekend or come for the day! Learn. Craft. Gather.
I'll be part of this upcoming gathering and wanted to share a bit about it with you! Sloyd is a Finnish system of education based on everyday handcrafts. In our interpretation, Sloyd seeks to empower individuals and culture by using simple tools and basic knowledge to shape our world as we imagine it. With this event we aim to cultivate connections between humans while reaffirming our relationship to the natural world upon which we all depend.
Workshops include: Cedar Bark Hats, Whisk Brooms, Spoon Carving, Birch Bark Wallets, Shrink Pots, Knife Hafting, Birch Bark Stars, Burl Bowls, Wet Felted Pouches, Book Binding, Spinning, Shadow Lanterns, and Buckskin Pouches. These workshops are geared towards adults and self sufficient teens. Workshops for kids aged 6-12 include Woodland Toys, Hoops and Singing, and Youth Games.
Adult price for the full weekend in $150, with discounts for kids, teens, and single day admission. Full weekend includes 3 half-day workshops, a spot to camp out, some group activities, and instructor help in finishing your projects at the end of the day Sunday.
I'm teaching Green Wood Spoon Carving and there are many other skilled and kind instructors and organizers involved. To learn more or sign up, visit: I hope to see you there!
Dec 22, 2024, 4:30 to 6 PM
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