Community Party and Information Session March 16

Past event
Mar 16, 2014

What: Community Party & Informational Session: food, door prizes, live auction, presentation, music, childrens area.

When: TODAY, Sunday, March 16, 4 - 6 pm

Where: Old Bank Building (former Galaxy Bookshop) on Mill Street, across from Gagnon's Video, Hardwick

By Whom: Building a Strong Hardwick group

Why: Because Community matters and our members are dedicated to the success and well being of Hardwick’s citizens and business community, and neighboring towns.

FOR WHOM: Everyone is welcome!

More details below:

Building a Strong Hardwick is sponsoring a free Community Party and Information session on Sunday, March 16 from 4 – 6 pm. This festive family friendly event will include local music, refreshments, a live auction with Hardwick’s own Justin Lander of VT Vaudeville fame, door prizes and an enlightening presentation by Geologist David Gross. In a brief talk concerning the Dollar General project, using maps and photos, Mr. Gross will show in understandable terms how the run-off water from the structure, parking lot and drainage system will move through the flood prone Rte 14 South area with the resulting impact this can have on our neighbors living in that area.

Building A Strong Hardwick members are dedicated to the success and well being of Hardwick’s citizens and business community. This group came together initially united in their concern for their neighbors who live in the adjacent properties who would be adversely affected by the Dollar General project on Rte. 14 S. That motivation has evolved to include maintaining the uniqueness of our town, protecting a wetland, and supporting the writing of our new Town Plan. Building A Strong Hardwick recognizes that this all requires greater community involvement and input, especially input. But why not have fun doing it?

The Community Party's auction will include amazing baked goods by Mark Rowell, former maitre d’ at Claire’s, and Chris Grabon, master chef and baker at Lov’n Cup in Johnson, a variety of fine chocolate candy from LaPré Bon Bons, local grass-fed beef & pastured pork from Snug Valley Farm, hand wrought metal work from Lucian Avery, gift certificate form teh Flooer Basket and more. Refreshments will be home made and yummy, and there will be a children's arts and craft area, all serenaded by local musicians.

So, as an initial kick off for Building a Strong Hardwick, this diverse group invites everyone to the first of what they hope will be many community parties and dialogues. Members of neighboring towns are also welcome. Join us at the Old Bank Building (former Galaxy Bookshop) on Mill Street in Hardwick, across from Gagnon’s Video on TODAY, Sunday the 16th from 4 – 6 pm. For more information contact by email or buildingastronghardwick
or call me!

Hope to see you there!

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