June of 2019 will mark the 50th anniversary of the NYC Stonewall Riots. The riots are traditionally heralded as the birth of the LGBTQ movement in the US.
In recognition of the 50th anniversary, a public rally has been scheduled for Sunday June 2nd starting at 1 pm on the lawn of the Statehouse in Montpelier.
The rally is intended to not only celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall riots but to showcase the advances in rights and protections achieved in VT during the past 50 years. There will be acknowledgement of specific events, people, and organizations.
Scheduled speakers include:
Christine Hallquist; First major party (Democrat) Transgender candidate for Governor
Rep. William Lippert; VT's longest serving openly gay legislator
Sen. Becca Balint: Senate majority leader
Beverly Little Thunder; Two Spirit Elder from Standing Rock Lakota Band
Euan Bear; Former editor of Out In The Mountains
Catarina Campbell; Coordinator Programs and Leadership Development UVM Women's Center
Holly Perdue; Former Liaison to the Governor from the VT Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights
Mike Bensel; Executive Director Pride Center of Vermont
LGBTQ Youth.
Rally hosts will be Suzan Ambrose (LGBTQ LOL) and Reggie Condra (Podcast Brown 'n Out)
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