Date: Sunday, June 2, 2019
The Onion River Race and Ramble is a 10.5-mile paddle from Bolton to Richmond on Vermont's Winooski River. The Race and Ramble attracts serious racers as well as paddlers looking for a fun time on the water. There's a paddling class for everyone! Want to paddle but not race? Be a Rambler. Want to paddle as a family? Sign up for the Youth/Family class. Want to race but don't have a long or fancy boat? Join one of the Recreational classes. And of course, there are classes for the fast and furious!
Following the paddle, participants can purchase lunch from Woodbelly Pizza and enjoy live music by Colin McCaffrey at the Richmond Town park. Prizes will be awarded for top finishers in all categories. Local folks can also order whole pizzas to take home with them, using this link:
Click here to learn more and register to paddle or sign up to volunteer: