Middlebury Shape Note Singing - Sunday

Past event
Jun 2, 2019, 1 to 3 PM

Sunday, June 2, 2019, 1:00 to 3:00 PM 
Mitchell Green Lounge, McCullough Student Center
Old Chapel Road, Middlebury College.   

Please join us for community singing of traditional songs, anthems, and hymns from the Sacred Harp Song Book, in 4-part, a capella harmony.

Free and open to all. Loaner books are available. Parking on Old Chapel Road and adjacent parking lots. Enter from Rte. 125/College St. or Rte. 30/S. Main St.
Co-sponsored by the Middlebury College Music Department and the Scott Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. For more information, see FaceBook/Middlebury Shape Note Singers or contact David, rosenber@middlebury.edu.  

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