The Burlington Airport will release its first noise exposure map that includes the F-35 on May 29. Airport officials told VTDigger that the new map "won't include any surprises: The map is consistent with findings in the Air Force's Environmental Impact Statement" (EIS)
The Air Force said the F-35 is more than 4 times louder than the F-16.
The FAA and the Air Force said homes exposed to 65 decibel day-night average (DNL), or higher noise, are "unsuitable for residential use."
The Air Force said the extreme F-35 noise will:
• Lower property values.
• Make 3000 homes "unsuitable for residential use."
• Permanently damage hearing of those in the high part of the noise danger zone.
• Impair learning of children living in or attending school in the danger zone.
The FAA said "The best way to mitigate noise, at high noise levels, is to buy homes and remove them."
200 homes were purchased and demolished in 2015 with FAA grants because of F-16 noise. VTDigger reported, however, that no more homes will be purchased and demolished. Instead, "the airport hopes to be able to access grant funding for up to 50 houses per year" to "replace windows and doors to limit interior noise."
But the FAA says limiting interior noise does nothing to protect when children play outdoors or when windows are open. And the ineffective FAA plan will take 60 years to implement.
Military law requires that such military equipment as the F-35 be based remote from populated areas to avoid harm to civilians and human shielding.
There is a way to mitigate the dangerous noise--and to protect children, families, housing stock, community, airport passengers, airport workers, home values, and respect for military law: cancel F-35 basing at our civilian airport in the heart of Vermont's most densely populated community.
Attend the airport-sponsored meetings revealing the new F-35 noise exposure map to ask questions and express concerns:
(a) Wednesday, May 29 from 5-7pm at the Burlington Airport inside Terminal (Level 2). Free airport parking vouchers provided; or
(b) Thursday, May 30 from 5-7 at the O'Brien Center in Winooski.
Contact your elected officials to express your concerns about the F-35 coming for basing amidst Vermont cities and towns. Tell them to respect military regulations that require basing remote from populated areas to prevent harm to civilians and human shielding:
Senator Patrick Leahy: 800-642-3193
Senator Bernie Sanders: 800-339-9834
Congressman Peter Welch: 888-605-7270
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