Cake Walk

Past event
May 24, 2019, 6:30 to 8 PM

The Cake walk tonight is to benefit our youth groups trip to Nichols, South Carolina to help with the recovery efforts from the past hurricanes. The kids will be going on the trip July 21- 28, 2019 with adults supervisors. The money will be for the rental of the van, gas and the two nights stay in a hotel for the day before starting the work and the night after the completion of there mission to help the town of Nichols.

Our version of musical chairs, except every round someone wins a dessert! Each participant pays for the rounds she is playing, when the music stops everyone finds a chair. The chair with the winning number gets the dessert for that round! You could win a cake, pie, cookies or other fantastic dessert!!
Proceeds go to our mission trip - this summer providing hurricane relief in Nichols, SC!

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