Gary Margolis at the Vermont Book Shop

Past event
May 24, 2019, 4:30 to 6 PM

Gary Margolis will read from and sign his new collection of poetry, Time Inside, at the Vermont Book Shop, Friday, May 24, 4:30 p.m. It's Gary's birthday (and Bob Dylan's too) so come on out to celebrate with us!

Time Inside, Gary Margolis' seventh book of poems, takes us behind the walls, through the metal gates of his experience leading a poetry workshop for inmates in a maximum security correctional facility, and back out to the surrounding worlds of love's nature and memory's hold and release of us.

Joining Margolis will be Tal Birdsey, whose book, Hearts of the Mountain will be published in October. In it, he sketches an utterly unique entity: an independent and virtual one-room middle school in the Green Mountains of Vermont.


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