Multiple Family - Huge Garage Sale - May 24 thru May 27 (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon)
156 Meadow Drive Colchester VT
Open 8 AM to 4 PM - "RAIN or SHINE" (Most items in Garage and Tents)
- Craft Books & Magazines
- Cook Books & Magazines
- Children & Adult Books
- Clothes - Adult & some kids
- Thomas Train Table
- High Chair (goes in Chair)
- Potty Chair
- Kids Easels
- Misquoito Magnet
- Painted Glassware
- 2 bar stools
- Papa-San Chair (no cushion)
- Kids Toys (Lots)
- Vintage Table (Porcelain Top)
- Rocking Chair
- Antique Porch Rocker
- Chairs
- Beautiful Antique Mirror
- Girls 26" Bicycle
- Fabric, lace trim, eyelet, bias binding (Lots)
- electric snow shovel
- electric weed wacker
- 2 Folding Cots
- Hollie Hobbie plates
- Wall Mount Holder for Flat Screen TV
- VHS Tapes and DVDs
- Hockey Bag (brand new)
- Sheets, Duvet covers, afghans
- American Girl Doll - Bunk Bed, Wardrobe, Egg Chair w/hassic, vehicle
- Pots & Pans
- Wrought Iron Dining Room Glass Top Table and 4 Chairs
- Antique Sewing Machines (3)
plus a Bunch of Other Miscellaneous Stuff
Free Pile has scrap Lumber and Miscellaneous Stuff
Mar 6, 2025, 3:30 PM
Underhill Planning Commission Mtg. ThursdayMar 6, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Vermont Repertory Theatre: Sweeney ToddMar 7, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM