Families - our free educational series, "Solutions for the Childbearing Woman:A Wholistic Approach"
will be holding its last presentation
Thursday, May 23rd, from 6:30pm-7:30pm
at Fostering Wellness Chiropractic,
26 N. Main St in Randolph, VT. Phone:
(802) 728-5159. Children are welcome.
Wholesome refreshments and tea will be served.
This workshop is centered around (but not limited to) Childbearing Women in the area, who might be yearning for an integrated approach to health, but aren't quite sure what resources are out there. In our neck of the woods, we've lined up several, highly qualified, Natural Health Practitioners, preparing to speak on different healing modalities and their unique approaches to care. So please come meet, listen, and learn from your fellow Community Healers - we'd love to have you!
Last but surely not least, we have the lovely, Mary Lake, who is a (LLL) La Leche League Leader in Tunbridge. Mary is a tremendous resource, for so many things in our amazing community! This week, she is planning to speak on the value of having a breastfeeding support network, postpartum support and the importance of cultivating community.
Even as a fourth time, breastfeeding Mother, I enjoy and attend La Leche League meetings, with my four daughters, whenever possible. I find that there's always something to learn or share each time I'm there. And truthfully, nothing beats sharing trials and tribulations, while witnessing fellow mothers around the room knowingly nod - because they're walking this path right along with you! My belief is that mothering in isolation is more tolerable and sustainable, when one has a strong sense of community and connection with other likeminded women. Hope to see you there, Thursday, May 23rd @ 6:30pm!