Woof! What's the Dog Saying?

Past event
May 30, 2019

Thursday, May 30 at 6:30 pm
Richmond Free Library

Is a yawn always just a yawn? Why does a dog shake off even when it's not wet? Why is a growl a good thing? Is a tail wag always friendly? This popular, long-running dog communication and safety lecture is a multimedia extravaganza of fun where the audience also gets to test their "dog reading" skills. Deb Helfrich of Gold Star Dog Training will demystify dog communication, reveal some common dog-human misunderstandings, and explore how we can all live safely and happily together. At the end of the presentation, the audience engages in several fun, interactive exercises to practice reading dog body language. (Shhhh… this is for humans only; please leave the pups comfortably at home!) For ages 12 and over.

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