The Planning Commission is hosting an Open House on June 1st from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Stop by for just a bit or stay longer. Bring your kids! There will not be a formal presentation, but we are looking for your feedback on what we've found out from the Jericho Community so far. We also want to move the project forward by asking some new questions.
If you're new to the project, stop by, learn more and have your say.
If you've been a part already, stop by, tell us what you think and add more, as we take the project one step further.
Here's an example of what we want to learn more about:
We have crafted a draft purpose statement for the Commercial District based on community feedback. It will continue to be tweaked as we compile more info from everyone. It might even look a little different by the time you stop by the Open House. Here is the purpose statement now:
"A Commercial District that provides a valuable connection between Jericho Village and Riverside Village, acting as a Location for mixed-use development and expanded commerce at an appropriate scale for the community, which preserves the landscape, distant views and rural landscape."
We will be asking for more feedback on that statement. Some questions could include:
What does "connection" mean to you in this area?
What kind of "mixed use" is appropriate in this area?
How does "rural character" interact with density?
What is "appropriate scale" in this area?
What type of buildings do people want to see in the CD?
What patterns of development do people prefer? Dense, village style? Less dense, businesses-subdivision style?
Please feel free to leave any thoughts on the website about anything you've just read or if you have any questions about the Open House or the project.
Mar 4, 2025, 7:30 AM to 4 PM
Town Meeting Reminder – Please Attend! March 4Mar 4, 2025, 9 AM
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