Join the Picket Against Scott Walker!

Past event
May 30, 2019, 5:30 to 7:15 PM

Hi, I am part of the union at Howard Center. We and many other unions and groups statewide are organizing a picket against Scott Walker who has been invited to speak at a VT Republican Party fundraiser May 30th at the Hilton on Battery St. Read below for more about him—these are NOT the policies or agenda we want in VT! We need to oppose them in a big way—please come for any amount of time!

We'll be meeting first at 5 at Battery Park and marching down to the Hilton. This is a family friendly event.

Please spread the word and hope to see you there! Let me know if I can help with any questions.

Join the Picket Against Scott Walker!

May 30th at 5:30pm in front of the Burlington Hilton at 60 Battery Street

The VT Republican Party has invited Wisconsin's former Governor, Scott Walker, to speak at a fundraiser with some VIPs shelling out $1,000 a plate. Here's why you should join the picket called by Vermont's unions and progressive organizations.

Walker is a Paid Agent of the 1 Percent. Billionaires Charles and David Koch and their pro-business front groups poured millions of dollars into Walker's Gubernatorial campaigns in Wisconsin.

*Walker Busted Unions. As Governor of Wisconsin, he enacted a law that stripped public sector unions of their right to collective bargaining and blocked private sector unions from collecting agency fees from workers they represent.

*Walker Attacked Programs for Workers. He prevented any increase in the minimum wage, rolled back enforcement of equal pay protections, and purged thousands of Wisconsinites from the state's Badgercare health insurance program.

*Walker Privatized Public Education. He carried out the largest per student K-12 education cuts in the nation and redirected public funds towards private charter schools.

*Walker Enforced Racial Inequality. He worked to suppress the Black vote, removed artwork depicting Black freedom fighters from public buildings, backed police in cases of brutality, and imposed austerity measures that disproportionately affected people of color.

*Walker Opposed Women's Rights. He repealed a law that enabled women to challenge wage discrimination in court. He supports the repeal of Roe v. Wade and the denial of women's right to choose even in the case of rape or incest.

*Walker Attacked LGBTQ Rights. He opposes gay marriage and even supported a constitutional amendment to ban it. He denounced the Boy Scouts for ending their prohibition on gay troop leaders.

*Walker Attacked Immigrant Rights. He backed Trump's Islamophobic and anti-immigrant travel ban, opposes progressive immigration reform, and supports Trump plan to build a border wall across the US border with Mexico as well as his own proposal to build another along the border with Canada.

*Walker Put Profit Before the Environment. He stopped efforts to develop renewable energy, challenged regulations on carbon emissions, supported the Keystone XL pipeline and dramatically expanded Wisconsin's mining industry regardless of its damaging health impact on people, especially Native Americans.

Unite to Stop the Republican Right!

We must not let the Vermont GOP use Walker's visit to import this reactionary agenda into our state. To endorse the picket and find out more information, contact AFSCME-VT Union Rep Dave Van Deusen at All out to picket Scott Walker on May 30th and advance progressive solutions that put people and the environment before profit!

Picket Endorsed By:
Vermont State Labor Council AFL-CIO, Vermont Building Trades Council AFL-CIO, Green Mountain Central Labor Council AFL-CIO, AFSCME Local 490 (Bennington County), AFSCME Local 1201 (Rutland & Addison Counties), AFSCME Local 1343 (Chittenden & Franklin Counties), AFSCME Local 1369 (Washington County), AFSCME Local 1674 (Howard Center), AFSCME Local 2413 (Northeast Kingdom), AFSCME Local 3797 (Windsor County), AFSCME Local 3977 (Lamoille County Mental Health), AFSCME Local 4802 (VT Home Healthcare), IBEW Local 300, Laborers' International Union of North America (VT), The Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 2 VT/NY, Iron Workers Local 7, Roofers & Waterproofers Local 241 VT/NY, USW Local 4, AFT-Vermont, United Academics at UVM, APWU-Vermont, UFCW Local 1459, Vermont State Employees' Association, VSEA Chittenden County Chapter, VSEA Central Vermont Chapter, Staff Alliance at VSEA, Vermont-NEA, Vermont National Staff Organization at NEA, UE Local 255, Vermont Workers Center, Vermont Labor United, Vermont Woman's March, Rights And Democracy, 350 Vermont, Vermonters For A New Economy, Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club, Peace & Justice Center, Vermont Progressive Party, Burlington Progressive Party, Vermont House of Representatives Progressive Party Caucus, Vermont Liberty Union Party, Vermont Democratic Party.

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