The first Peace Circle will be held on Sunday, May 19th from 2:00-4:00 at Second Congregational Church, 115 Hillside St., Bennington. Their mission is two-fold: to help people acquire and deepen their own sense of inner peace as well as to create peace on a larger scale, out in our communities. They are offered on a sliding scale of $15-25/person. Teresa King will bring tools from teaching yoga for 24 years and her expertise from facilitating workshops for 22 years.
Gandhi said in order to have more peace in the world, we must become Peace. This is what Peace Circles will teach. Each month we will practice sitting still in silence. This month we will share what brings us peace and reflect upon the large and small distractions that exist in our life, to create space to do this work. Over time we will acquire tools to detach, listen deeply, see with new eyes and become aware of how we expend our energies.
Peace Circles do not have any religious affiliation. Attend when you are able. Contact Teresa King if you know you will be attending. More information can be found at her website