A Walk in the Woods

Past event
May 18, 2019, 9 AM to 12 PM

Come for A Walk in the Woods, as we join Jim Andrews for the Follow-up Walk of "Slippery Creatures: Salamanders and Frogs!" We'll look for vernal pools in the woods, with salamander and frog eggs, as well as see them in their adult stages in their habitat. We'll learn about the importance of forests, and how forest fragmentation destroys wildlife corridors and changes the ecosystem. Jim will also help us identify bird calls, wildflowers, nests, trees and shrubs.

Jim is the State herpetologist, and an expert on salamanders – after his February presentation in Cornwall, we started a small group, the Amphibian Allies, who walk on the rainy Spring evenings on West St. to help the tiny, fragile creatures safely cross the road to lay their eggs. Let us know if you're interested in joining us, and/or know of other roads in Cornwall where you've seen salamanders and wood frogs.

Bring your binoculars, raingear and rubber boots – it's wet in the woods right now!

Sat. May 18, 9 a.m. – 12 pm – we'll meet at 938 West St.
Hosted by the Cornwall Conservation Commission – free and open to the public.
An RSVP would be appreciated, due to parking constraints – 462-2000.

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