Waterbury RES Clean Up!

Past event
May 19, 2019, 11 AM to 3 PM

The Friends of Waterbury Reservoir will host a volunteer clean-up day at the Waterbury Center Day Use Area from 11 am- 3 pm on May 19. The event will be rain or shine, but cancelled in the event of a thunderstorm.

The nature trail along the shore is strewn with debris from the high water this spring. Bring gloves, insect repellent, and drinking water and join in making the trail beautiful and useable. We have some rakes, shovels and nippers, but bring your favorite tools to use.

RSVP is not necessary, but let us know you're coming by email at waterburyres@gmail.com, or visit our Facebook event page (Waterbury Center Day Use Area Clean Up) so we may inform you of any changes.

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