"Faith of Our Foremothers" in Honor of Mother's Day

Past event
May 12, 2019, 10 to 11 AM

In honor of Mother's Day, let's turn to the lives of some of our feisty foremothers. Like Julia Ward Howe who wrote the Original Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870 as a protest of war. And Olympia Brown, the first woman in the US ordained in a Christian denomination. These and other Unitarians and Universalists fought the good fight in their time and offer insight to us today that we may be powerful agents of hope and courage in our own time.

A Welcoming of New Members will be part of the service.

A Small Group Discussion on the theme of the service will be led at noon by Rev. Mellen.

Held at the Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse at 21 Fairground Road, Springfield, VT. All welcome

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