Emes Fine Arts Night

Past event
May 23, 2019, 4 to 7:30 PM

East Montpelier Elementary School Fine Arts Night
May 23rd, 4:00-7:30

Join us for a potluck BBQ, student art show, folk dance festival and concert!

Schedule of events:
4:00-5:30 Student Art Gallery Open
4:30-5:30 BBQ Potluck Dinner
5:30-6:15 K-5 Folk Dance Festival
6:30-7:30 4-6 Band and Chorus Concert

Potluck Items:
K: Chips
1st-3rd: Drinks
4th/5th: Salads and Sides
6th: Desserts

EMES will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, vegetarian option and condiments.

Any questions regarding potluck items/dinner should be addressed to Annie Finegan, EMES food service manager at afinegan@u32.org

Weather permitting, the BBQ and folk dance festival will be held outside. Bring your own seats and blankets!

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